It’s never a good feeling when you discover that you’ve got no hot water or heating in your home. You rely on hot water daily for your bathing and washing needs and to heat up your radiators.
Before contacting an emergency plumber such as L & P Heating Services for help, you can carry out some simple checks to confirm that your boiler is running at an efficient level. Here’s what you can do:
Is Your Boiler Working?
Most homes in the UK have a combi boiler installed in an airing cupboard upstairs or the kitchen downstairs. Locate your boiler and check that it’s operational by doing the following:
- Ensure there is a pilot light showing – this will confirm there is gas flowing to your boiler.
- Ensure the boiler controls are correct – items you store in your airing cupboard (if you have one) might have accidentally turned the dials down.
- Check your thermostat is working – someone may have accidentally set your hot water and heating controls on the thermostat to ‘off’.
- Check you’ve got a pressurised boiler – without the correct pressure level, your boiler won’t be operational.
Is Your Gas Supply Consistent?
Sometimes if a utility company is doing roadworks, you might have had your gas supply interrupted. Check your gas supply is consistent to eliminate that as a potential problem.
What Should You Do Next?
If your checks haven’t resulted in an obvious diagnosis, you can contact L&P Heating Services, and we’ll send out a heating engineer to resolve the problem for you. Our number is 01275 400 687.